Interstellar tunnel found near our solar system—may be a gateway to other stars

Scientists believe that long-ago supernova explosions sculpted this vast bubble, blasting away surrounding interstellar gas.

A sequence of stellar detonations likely carved out the region, leaving behind a hot, X-ray-emitting void.

A sequence of stellar detonations likely carved out the region, leaving behind a hot, X-ray-emitting void. (CREDIT: CC BY-SA 4.0)

The solar system drifts inside an immense, low-density cavity known as the Local Hot Bubble (LHB). This region, spanning at least 1,000 light-years, radiates X-rays due to its searing million-degree temperature. Yet, because its atoms are so sparse, this extreme heat has little effect on the matter within. While this has allowed life on Earth to thrive undisturbed, the LHB itself has remained an astronomical mystery.

Scientists believe that long-ago supernova explosions sculpted this vast bubble, blasting away surrounding interstellar gas. A sequence of stellar detonations likely carved out the region, leaving behind a hot, X-ray-emitting void. However, only recently have researchers begun to map its true shape and structure in detail.

Mapping the Local Hot Bubble

A team at the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics (MPE), led by astrophysicist Michael Yeung, has now provided an unprecedented look at the LHB.

Using the eROSITA X-ray telescope, they created the most detailed map of this cosmic bubble yet. Positioned 1.5 million kilometers from Earth, eROSITA avoids interference from Earth's hydrogen halo, giving it a pristine view of the X-ray sky.

3D structure of the LHB with colors indicating its temperature. The two surfaces indicate the measurement uncertainty of the LHB extent: the most probable extent most likely lies between the two. The location of the Sun and a sphere of 100 parsec radius are marked for comparison. (CREDIT: Michael Yeung / MPE)

To analyze the bubble’s structure, researchers divided the sky into 2,000 segments, examining X-ray emissions in each. Their findings revealed that the LHB isn’t a uniform sphere. Instead, it expands more easily perpendicular to the galactic plane, where it faces less resistance compared to the dense horizontal disk of the Milky Way.

Michael Freyberg, an MPE scientist, compared the bubble’s shape to a bipolar nebula but noted key differences. “It’s spikier and bumpier,” he explained. This irregularity suggests that the LHB's evolution was influenced by multiple factors beyond simple supernova explosions.

An Interstellar Tunnel

One of the study’s biggest surprises was an interstellar tunnel extending toward the constellation Centaurus. This previously unknown gap in the cooler interstellar medium appears to act as a passageway, allowing hot gas from the LHB to escape.

"What we didn’t know was the existence of an interstellar tunnel towards Centaurus, which carves a gap in the cooler interstellar medium," Freyberg said.

The tunnel isn’t just an isolated feature. The team's model revealed a temperature gradient within the LHB, with the northern region being hotter than the southern. This suggests that recent supernova events may have reheated parts of the bubble within the last few million years.

Living in the Bubble

The LHB has fascinated astronomers since its existence was proposed over fifty years ago. Initially, scientists used the bubble to explain mysterious X-ray emissions that shouldn’t have reached us through the dense interstellar medium. The theory gained traction as observations revealed a relative void of interstellar dust near our solar system.

Challenges emerged in the 1990s when scientists discovered that solar wind interactions with Earth’s geocorona could also produce X-rays. But recent data from eROSITA, which observed the sky during a solar minimum, confirmed the LHB's role in these emissions.

3D model of the solar neighborhood. The color bar represents the temperature of the LHB as colored on the LHB surface. The direction of the Galactic Center (GC) and Galactic North (N) is shown in the bottom right. (CREDIT: Michael Yeung / MPE)

Michael Yeung highlighted eROSITA’s contribution, stating, "eRASS1 data provides the cleanest view of the X-ray sky to date, making it the perfect instrument for studying the LHB."

Connecting the Cosmic Dots

The detailed 3D model constructed by Yeung’s team paints a vivid picture of our cosmic neighborhood. It includes known supernova remnants, molecular clouds, and even other tunnels, like the Canis Majoris tunnel, potentially linking the LHB to the Gum Nebula.

Some dense molecular clouds near the bubble’s edge have velocities suggesting they formed from material swept up during the bubble’s early formation. Co-author Gabriele Ponti noted, "The sun must have entered the LHB a few million years ago—a short time compared to the age of the sun."

Contour-binned eRASS1 0.2–0.6 keV band surface brightness map in zenithal equal-area projection. (CREDIT: Astronomy & Astrophysics)

This central positioning of the Sun within the LHB is purely coincidental. As the solar system moves through the Milky Way, we’re likely just passing through this cosmic cavity.

Future Exploration

The discovery of the Centaurus tunnel could mark the beginning of a new chapter in galactic exploration. If the Milky Way is indeed a vast network of hot bubbles and tunnels, studying these structures could reveal the galaxy’s dynamic history.

The study, published in Astronomy & Astrophysics, emphasizes how stellar feedback—energy released by dying stars—shapes the interstellar medium. As researchers continue to analyze eROSITA’s data, we may soon uncover more secrets hidden in the vast expanse of space.

Other Superbubbles close to Earth

Superbubbles are vast cavities in space filled with hot, low-density gas, often created by the combined activity of supernovae and stellar winds from massive stars. The LHB above is the closest superbubble to Earth. The next nearest superbubbles are:

Loop I Bubble

  • Distance: About 400-500 light-years from Earth.
  • Description: A large superbubble associated with the Scorpius-Centaurus OB association. It is thought to have been created by multiple supernovae and stellar winds from massive stars in this region.
  • Connection to Local Bubble: The Loop I Bubble interacts with the Local Bubble, forming a boundary known as the "interaction zone."

Orion-Eridanus Superbubble

  • Distance: Approximately 500-1,000 light-years.
  • Description: Located in the Orion and Eridanus constellations, this superbubble was formed by supernovae and winds from the massive stars in the Orion OB1 association.
  • Features: It encompasses the famous Orion Nebula and extends toward the Eridanus constellation.

Loop II and III Bubbles

  • Distance: Both are several hundred light-years away.
  • Description: These superbubbles are associated with other star-forming regions and supernova remnants but are less well-defined than Loop I.

These superbubbles play a significant role in shaping the structure of the Milky Way, influencing star formation and the dynamics of interstellar gas.

Note: Materials provided above by The Brighter Side of News. Content may be edited for style and length.

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Joshua Shavit
Joshua ShavitScience and Good News Writer
Joshua Shavit is a bright and enthusiastic 18-year-old with a passion for sharing positive stories that uplift and inspire. With a flair for writing and a deep appreciation for the beauty of human kindness, Joshua has embarked on a journey to spotlight the good news that happens around the world daily. His youthful perspective and genuine interest in spreading positivity make him a promising writer and co-founder at The Brighter Side of News. He is currently working towards a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration at the University of California, Berkeley.