The Brighter 5: Five funny jokes to start your day with a laugh (July 21, 2021)

Here are today’s five funny and insightful musings to get you into your happy place.

[July 20, 2021: Josh Shavit]

Here are today's five funny and insightful musings to get you into your happy place.


"I was on a date with this really hot model. Well, it wasn't really a date-date. We just ate dinner and saw a movie. Then the plane landed."


"After I quit drinking, I realized I am the same [jerk] I always was; I just have fewer dents in my car."


"If you think nobody cares about you, try missing a couple of payments."


"The problem with life is, by the time you can read women like a book, your library card has expired."


"I went home with this French guy 'cause he said something adorable, like, 'I have an apartment.'"


"There was a point in time when we were in (Disneyland) where I lost my daughter. But I knew eventually I would run into her again, so I took that time to get on rides she couldn't get on. When I saw her she was crying. I was like, 'It's not your birthday. Today's not about you.'"


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Joseph Shavit
Joseph ShavitSpace, Technology and Medical News Writer
Joseph Shavit is the head science news writer with a passion for communicating complex scientific discoveries to a broad audience. With a strong background in both science, business, product management, media leadership and entrepreneurship, Joseph possesses the unique ability to bridge the gap between business and technology, making intricate scientific concepts accessible and engaging to readers of all backgrounds.