Researchers find a surprising link between breathing and memory
New research highlights the profound impact breathing patterns can have on memory formation, either enhancing or impairing it.

Breathing, a seemingly automatic process, is regulated by medullary respiratory activity, a function of the medulla oblongata in the brain. (CREDIT: CC BY-SA 4.0)
New research highlights the profound impact breathing patterns can have on memory formation, either enhancing or impairing it. As practices like meditation and mindfulness grow in popularity for promoting well-being, the significance of breath control is coming into sharper focus.
This discovery sheds light on the intricate connection between breathing and brain function, potentially paving the way for new treatments for neurological disorders and mental health conditions.
The Role of Medullary Respiratory Activity
Breathing, a seemingly automatic process, is regulated by medullary respiratory activity, a function of the medulla oblongata in the brain. This region plays a vital role in controlling respiration. Central to this process is the Pre-Bötzinger Complex (PreBötC), a small but essential cluster of neurons responsible for maintaining spontaneous breathing.
Neuroscientist Nozomu Nakamura of Hyogo Medical University in Japan explains, "Breathing is a fundamental action in life support in mammals. Although details of respiratory function on brain states remain unclear, recent studies suggest that respiration may play an important role during online brain states."
Linking Breath and Memory
To explore this connection, Nakamura and his team conducted experiments on genetically modified mice, targeting the PreBötC. By temporarily halting the mice's breathing, the researchers observed significant declines in memory formation, particularly in tasks involving object recognition and fear conditioning.
These findings underscore the critical role of breathing in shaping memory-related brain activity, suggesting that even subtle changes in respiratory patterns can influence cognitive performance.
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Interestingly, these pauses in breathing weren't inconsequential to the brain's overall function. They influenced the activity of the hippocampus, a region crucial for both long-term and short-term memory storage, especially during the process of memory recall. When these mice were subjected to irregular breathing patterns, their memory performance notably improved. However, slowing their breathing deteriorated their ability to recall.
Linking Breathing Transitions and Memory Performance
A preceding research endeavor by the same team had made noteworthy revelations. They found that an expiratory-to-inspiratory (EI) transition or an inspiratory onset during memory tasks could impair memory retrieval in humans. Such a transition from exhaling to inhaling either at the onset or mid-task led to diminished speed and accuracy in recalling information.
A subsequent study fortified this claim by employing brain scans. These scans established a correlation between subpar memory performance and the deactivation of the temporoparietal junction (TPJ) – a multifunctional brain region responsible for assimilating information from internal and external environments and determining the suitable reactions.
Drawing parallels, the researchers postulated that specific breathing patterns, including the EI transition, might reinitialize the TPJ's processing. This reset might be a contributing factor in the observed memory performance variances in the mice. However, these implications need further validation, particularly in human subjects, pointing to an exciting direction for upcoming studies.
The Broader Implications
While the nexus between breathing and the brain isn't novel – considering breathing exercises have been long recognized for their calming effects – this research introduces a fresh perspective. As the study team suggests, intentional modifications in our breathing patterns could serve therapeutic purposes beyond relaxation.
Elucidating this, Nakamura remarks, "The determination of detailed roles of respiration and molecular mechanisms in the brain is a subject to future research to understand effects of stress tolerance." He further emphasizes, "The way of breathing manipulation and application of breathing exercises will be crucial for treatment and therapy of depression and neuropsychiatric disorders."
This remarkable research, published in Nature Communications, not only sheds light on the intricate pathways between our respiratory system and brain but also proposes transformative treatments for a spectrum of brain and mental health disorders, thus emphasizing the power of breath.
Note: Materials provided above by The Brighter Side of News. Content may be edited for style and length.
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