Our cosmic neighborhood may be 10x larger than previously thought

Recent studies led by the University of Hawaiʻi suggest our galactic basin, Laniākea, could be part of a much larger structure centered on the Shapley concentration

The blue filaments show the greater Cosmic Web, with Laniākea highlighted.

The blue filaments show the greater Cosmic Web, with Laniākea highlighted. (CREDIT: Frédéric Durillon, Animea Studio; Daniel Pomarède, IRFU, CEA University Paris-Saclay)

The universe, vast and intricate, holds mysteries that continuously challenge our understanding. A recent study led by the University of Hawaiʻi Institute for Astronomy has uncovered findings that could potentially redefine the boundaries of our cosmic neighborhood.

By studying the movement of thousands of galaxies, researchers are suggesting that our corner of the universe might be far more expansive than previously thought.

An international team, known as the Cosmicflows group, has been analyzing the movements of over 56,000 galaxies. Their work points toward the possibility that the galactic basin containing our Milky Way, named Laniākea, may be part of an even more enormous cosmic structure.

High-density perturbations δ in the distribution of matter in the local Universe with the mean of many HMC trials. (CREDIT: Nature Astronomy)

Laniākea, a basin of attraction spanning 500 million light-years, was previously believed to encompass our galactic neighborhood. However, new evidence suggests that this basin may extend into something ten times larger, potentially centered around a region known as the Shapley concentration.

This area is known for its immense mass and gravitational pull, which affects surrounding galaxies. The recent findings, published in Nature Astronomy, indicate a 60% probability that our cosmic basin stretches into this much larger structure.

According to R. Brent Tully, a leading researcher from the University of Hawaiʻi, the universe can be visualized like a giant web, with galaxies spread along filaments and clustering at intersections where gravity pulls them together. "Just as water flows within watersheds, galaxies flow within cosmic basins of attraction," Tully explained.

This idea of larger basins suggests that our understanding of the universe's architecture might need significant revision. Such a shift in perspective would mean that the initial seeds of cosmic structures could be far larger than the current models suggest, reflecting a more expansive interconnected universe.

The origin of our universe dates back around 13 billion years, when small variations in density began to grow under gravity, leading to the vast structures observed today. If Laniākea, whose name means "immense heaven" in Hawaiian, is indeed part of a much larger basin of attraction, it challenges current views on how cosmic structures formed and evolved. It suggests that these structures began growing even more extensively than previously estimated.

“This discovery presents a challenge: our cosmic surveys may not yet be large enough to map the full extent of these immense basins,” stated Ehsan Kourkchi, a co-author of the study.

Although modern astronomical tools provide impressive views of the cosmos, there is still a possibility that their reach may be insufficient for capturing the complete picture. Researchers, like Kourkchi, believe we are still seeing the universe with eyes that may not be big enough to grasp its entirety, pushing us to explore even further.

Velocity streamlines seeded at arbitrary locations within the reconstructed volume, with coloured envelopes associated with separate BoA extracted from the mean field. (CREDIT: Nature Astronomy)

To understand these enormous cosmic structures, researchers observe the gravitational effects on the movement of galaxies. In regions where multiple basins overlap, galaxies are caught in a gravitational tug-of-war, with their movements influenced by surrounding massive structures. By charting the velocity of these galaxies, the researchers can determine where one supercluster ends and another begins, mapping the flow of galaxies throughout our local universe.

Tully and his team have made strides in understanding these structures, but their work is far from over. They are motivated by the idea that our universe might be part of a more expansive and interconnected cosmic system. This ongoing research could have a significant impact on how we view our place in the cosmos, possibly linking our galaxy to structures that are far grander than ever imagined.

The team behind this study includes notable international astronomers. Besides Tully and Kourkchi from the University of Hawaiʻi, it also features researchers like Aurelien Valade, Noam Libeskind, and Simon Pfeifer from the Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam, Daniel Pomarede from the University of Paris-Saclay, and Yehuda Hoffman from the Hebrew University.

Envelopes of major BoA superimposed on the sinks of HMC trials shown in the previous figure. (CREDIT: Nature Astronomy)

Mapping the universe is a daunting task, with the sheer scale of space presenting both opportunities and challenges. The discovery that the Milky Way might be part of a much larger basin of attraction calls for a reassessment of existing cosmic surveys and models. This realization not only highlights the vastness of the universe but also underscores our limitations in observing it.

Much like the way Earth's geography is shaped by watersheds that guide the flow of rivers, the universe is structured by gravitational basins of attraction that guide galaxies into clusters. However, the universe's structures are on a scale that dwarfs anything on Earth. If Laniākea is merely a piece of an even larger basin, the implications for our understanding of cosmic evolution are enormous.

The Cosmicflows team's work reflects the dedication of scientists to continually expand the boundaries of knowledge, questioning what we think we know about our universe. With every new discovery, the universe seems to grow larger, more intricate, and more mysterious.

Streamlines constructed from the mean HMC velocity field. (CREDIT: Nature Astronomy)

Researchers like Tully and his colleagues remind us that exploration is an ongoing endeavor, and with advanced surveys and new technologies, we are getting closer to unveiling the full grandeur of our cosmic neighborhood.

Note: Materials provided above by The Brighter Side of News. Content may be edited for style and length.

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Rebecca Shavit is the Good News, Psychology, Behavioral Science, and Celebrity Good News reporter for the Brighter Side of News.