How much faster does a knight move than a king? Math has the answer!
A chess knight moves faster than a king, but how much faster? A mathematician reveals the answer, linking chess to Fibonacci numbers.

Táfula Santos drew on the work of mathematician Askold Khovanskii, who has described how certain sets of numbers grow when you keep adding numbers from the set together. (CREDIT: Getty Images)
How much faster can a knight move across a chessboard than a king? It turns out, there’s a precise answer—and it’s more than just a game of strategy.
Christian Táfula Santos, a doctoral student in mathematics, has calculated the knight’s advantage and published his findings on arXiv, a popular open science repository. According to his proof, the knight moves approximately 1.85 times faster than the king. To put it simply, if it takes a knight 13 moves to reach a square, the king would need 24 moves to cover the same distance.
What makes this study stand out isn’t just the result—it’s the method behind it. Táfula Santos built on the mathematical ideas of Askold Khovanskii, who studied how number sets grow when repeatedly added together. Using this framework, Táfula Santos reimagined the chess knight and uncovered unexpected connections to the famous Fibonacci sequence.
The traditional knight, with its L-shaped movement, was replaced by a “super-knight.” This piece doesn’t follow the usual rules. Instead, it moves a squares in one direction and b squares in another, where a and b are coprime numbers (they share no common divisors other than 1) and their sum is odd.
“The shift from traditional knight to super-knight is based on mathematical generalization,” Táfula Santos explained. “I extended the concept to see what would happen if the knight could move differently, using parameters a and b.”
This approach widens the knight’s movement range and reveals new speed ratios. For example, if a equals 2 and b equals 3, the super-knight moves two squares in one direction and three in the other. In this scenario, it moves 2.9 times faster than the king.
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Táfula Santos pushed the idea further with a “Fiboknight,” a super-knight where a and b are Fibonacci numbers. The resulting speed ratios align with the golden ratio, approximately 1.618. This reflects the behavior of Fibonacci numbers, which appear in everything from nature to art.
Interestingly, the knight’s advantage isn’t consistent across all paths. While the knight can move up to twice as fast as the king, diagonal paths narrow the gap. On these routes, the knight is only about 1.5 times faster, allowing the king to almost keep up.
Táfula Santos’s work does more than challenge our understanding of chess. “My research extends beyond the chessboard,” he said. “It makes connections between number theory, geometry, and combinatorics. It also opens new avenues for studying objects and movements in higher-dimensional spaces.”

Chess has existed for 1,500 years, but its mathematical mysteries remain far from solved. With ideas like the super-knight and Fiboknight, this ancient game continues to inspire modern mathematical discoveries.
Note: Materials provided above by The Brighter Side of News. Content may be edited for style and length.
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