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Groundbreaking technology helps scientists trap dark matter

Researchers have designed a 3D printed vacuum system to help detect dark matter and its elusive components.
Researchers have designed a 3D printed vacuum system to help detect dark matter and its elusive components. (CREDIT: University of Nottingham)

Scientists at the University of Nottingham's School of Physics have designed a 3D printed vacuum system to help detect dark matter and its elusive components, such as domain walls. This breakthrough could significantly advance our understanding of the universe's mysteries.

Using this innovative vacuum system, researchers aim to reduce the density of gas and introduce ultra-cold lithium atoms to detect dark matter. The findings of this study were recently published in Physical Review D.


Unveiling the Universe's Hidden Components

Professor Clare Burrage, a leading author of the study, explains the significance of their work. "Ordinary matter, which makes up the world we see, constitutes only about 5% of the universe. The rest is dark matter and dark energy. While we can observe their effects on the universe, we still don't fully understand what they are. One method to detect dark matter is by using a particle called a scalar field."

Scalar fields are theoretical constructs that could either be dark matter or dark energy. Dark matter accounts for the missing mass in galaxies, while dark energy explains the accelerating expansion of the universe. By introducing ultra-cold atoms and studying the resulting effects, scientists hope to clarify why the universe's expansion is accelerating and whether it has any impact on Earth.


The vacuum system's construction is based on the theory that light scalar fields with double-well potentials and direct matter couplings undergo density-driven phase transitions, leading to domain wall formation.

Domain walls are essentially fault lines in scalar fields that form as density decreases, similar to the way water molecules align when freezing into ice, creating crystal structures with defects.


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Professor Burrage elaborates, "When density decreases, defects form in scalar fields. You can't see these defects with the naked eye, but particles passing through them might change their trajectory. These defects, or dark walls, can prove the existence of scalar fields."

To detect these dark walls, the research team developed a specially designed vacuum chamber that simulates a transition from a dense to a less dense environment.


Using this setup, they cool lithium atoms to nearly absolute zero (-273°C) using laser photons. At such low temperatures, the atoms exhibit quantum properties, allowing for more precise and predictable analysis.

Associate Professor Lucia Hackermueller, who led the laboratory experiment design, explains the process. "The 3D printed vessels used as the vacuum chamber were constructed based on theoretical calculations of dark walls. We believe this shape, structure, and texture are ideal for trapping dark matter. To demonstrate that dark walls have been trapped, we will pass a cold atom cloud through these walls and observe its deflection. Cooling the atoms with laser photons reduces their energy, similar to slowing down an elephant using snowballs!"


What is Dark Matter?

Dark matter and dark energy are two distinct but mysterious components of the universe, with different properties and roles:

Dark Matter:

  • Dark matter is a form of matter that does not emit, absorb, or reflect electromagnetic radiation, making it invisible and undetectable through conventional means.

  • It interacts with ordinary matter and other dark matter only through gravity, which means it does not form atoms and molecules like ordinary matter does.

  • It was first hypothesized to explain the gravitational effects observed in galaxies and galaxy clusters that cannot be accounted for by the visible matter alone.

  • Dark matter plays a crucial role in the formation and structure of galaxies and galaxy clusters, as its gravitational influence binds them together.

  • While its exact nature remains unknown, various candidates for dark matter have been proposed, including weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs), axions, and sterile neutrinos.


Anticipating Groundbreaking Results

The system took three years to build, and the team expects to have results within a year. Dr. Hackermueller emphasizes the importance of their work. "Whether we prove the existence of dark walls or not, this experiment will be a significant step forward in our understanding of dark energy and dark matter. It's an excellent example of how a well-controlled lab experiment can directly measure effects relevant to the universe that otherwise cannot be observed."

The potential discoveries from this experiment could pave the way for new insights into the fundamental forces and components that shape our universe.


Understanding dark matter and dark energy remains one of the biggest challenges in modern physics, and this innovative approach may bring us closer to solving these cosmic puzzles.

Note: Materials provided above by The Brighter Side of News. Content may be edited for style and length.


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