Astounding views of 2 million mph galaxy collision revealed

Explore Stephan’s Quintet, where a galactic collision reveals the secrets of cosmic evolution through groundbreaking telescope observations.

A high-speed galaxy collides with Stephan’s Quintet, creating a stunning shockwave and offering insights into cosmic evolution

A high-speed galaxy collides with Stephan’s Quintet, creating a stunning shockwave and offering insights into cosmic evolution. (CREDIT: CC BY-SA 4.0)

Galaxies are more than celestial structures; their interactions provide a window into the formation and evolution of the universe. The merging and interaction of galaxies often lead to remarkable transformations, from triggering bursts of star formation to fueling energetic phenomena like active galactic nuclei.

Such cosmic events are most vividly observed in systems with dense galactic clusters and slow-moving galaxies. Among these, Stephan's Quintet stands out as a prime laboratory for studying the turbulent interplay between galaxies.

Stephan’s Quintet, a compact group of five galaxies discovered nearly 150 years ago, has long captivated astronomers. Its peculiar arrangement and history of collisions have left a trail of intergalactic debris. Recent observations reveal that these interactions are far from over.

A high-velocity galaxy, moving at over two million miles per hour (3.2 million km/h), has pierced through the group, creating shockwaves that ripple across space. This dramatic collision was observed in unprecedented detail by the William Herschel Telescope's new WEAVE spectrograph, shedding light on the ongoing chaos within the system.

The WEAVE prime-focus corrector and positioner at the William Herschel telescope in La Palma, Spain. (CREDIT: ING)

A Collision at Hypersonic Speed

The intruding galaxy, NGC 7318b, has reawakened the dynamic activity within Stephan’s Quintet. As it plunges into the group at hypersonic speeds, it generates a massive shockwave comparable to a jet fighter’s sonic boom. This event marks the first time such a collision has been observed with WEAVE's advanced capabilities.

Dr. Marina Arnaudova, leading the research team, likens the collision to "a galactic crossroad where past encounters have left behind a complex field of debris." Now, this shockwave is unraveling the intricate structure of the group. The collision's dual nature—its impact on cold and hot intergalactic gas—offers a unique perspective on how galaxies interact.

As the shockwave travels through cold gas pockets, it violently rips apart atoms, leaving a glowing trail of charged particles. Meanwhile, when it encounters hot gas, the shock weakens but compresses the medium, producing detectable radio waves. This dual behavior has provided crucial insights into the mechanics of intergalactic collisions.

The Anatomy of Stephan’s Quintet

Stephan’s Quintet comprises three tightly bound galaxies and two others with distinct trajectories. The central trio—NGC 7317, NGC 7318a, and NGC 7319—exhibits elliptical and spiral morphologies.

NGC 7320c, often referred to as the "old intruder," has historically influenced the group’s dynamics. NGC 7320, however, lies in the foreground, disconnected from the ongoing interactions.

At the heart of the system lies a massive filament of shocked gas, known as the Large-Scale Shock Region (LSSR). Stretching over 65,000 light-years, the LSSR has been extensively studied across the electromagnetic spectrum.

A composite image of SQ made with JWSTNIRCam’s F277W, F356W, and F444W bands, orientated such that north is up and east is to the left. NGC 7320c is outside the FoV, located to the east of NGC 7319. (CREDIT: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society)

X-ray observations have revealed a ridge of hot plasma embedded within a larger halo, likely remnants of previous galactic encounters. This ridge forms from oblique shocks heating pre-existing interstellar gas, further demonstrating the complex processes at play.

One of the most intriguing aspects of Stephan’s Quintet is its molecular hydrogen emissions. These emissions far outshine the hot X-ray plasma, suggesting that molecular hydrogen plays a dominant role in cooling the intergalactic medium.

Studies using the Spitzer Space Telescope and the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) have shown that cold molecular clouds are fragmented by shocks, producing smaller "fog clouds" that emit infrared radiation. This process highlights the intricate interplay between gas phases during galactic collisions.

Insights from WEAVE and Beyond

The collision within Stephan’s Quintet was the focus of the first-light observations by WEAVE, a state-of-the-art spectrograph connected to the William Herschel Telescope. WEAVE's advanced technology allows astronomers to map the chemical composition of stars and gas with remarkable precision.

WEAVE, the state-of-the-art spectrograph connected to the William Herschel Telescope. (CREDIT: Javier Méndez)

By combining WEAVE data with observations from radio telescopes like LOFAR and optical instruments such as the JWST, researchers have uncovered unprecedented details about the group’s dynamics.

Dr. Soumyadeep Das, part of the research team, noted that WEAVE's observations revealed the shock’s impact on intergalactic gas in extraordinary detail. "The weak shock compresses the hot gas, resulting in radio waves picked up by radio telescopes," he explained. This comprehensive approach demonstrates the power of collaborative instruments in unraveling complex cosmic phenomena.

Despite the apparent turmoil, regions of active star formation persist within Stephan’s Quintet. Observations using the SITELLE instrument on the Canada–France–Hawaii Telescope identified over 175 star-forming regions within the group.

Most of this activity is concentrated in a northern region known as SQ-A, which exhibits signs of recent star formation. These findings suggest that collisions can simultaneously disrupt and fuel star formation, creating a dynamic environment for stellar evolution.

Radio observations of SQ taken by LoTSS at 144 MHz (left panel) and VLA at 1.7 and 4.86 GHz (centre and right panels, taken in C- and D-array, respectively). (CREDIT: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society)

Broader Implications for Galactic Evolution

The findings from Stephan’s Quintet extend beyond this singular system. They offer a glimpse into the processes that shape galaxies across the universe.

Professor Gavin Dalton, WEAVE’s principal investigator, emphasized the significance of these observations, stating, "These details provide a remarkable perspective on what may be happening in faint galaxies at the limits of our current capabilities."

The WEAVE spectrograph represents a new era in astronomical research. By mapping millions of stars and galaxies, it promises to deepen our understanding of cosmic evolution.

The line-of-sight versus velocity dispersion diagram used to dynamically identify regions of interests in SQ. The left panel shows the 2D distribution of the line-of-sight velocity and velocity dispersion for the different regions denoted, along with their 1D marginal distributions. (CREDIT: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society)

Dr. Daniel Smith of the University of Hertfordshire highlighted the potential of WEAVE’s capabilities: "This first WEAVE science paper represents just a taste of what is to come over the next five years."

The observations of Stephan’s Quintet were made possible through international collaboration. WEAVE itself is a testament to global scientific effort, involving researchers from multiple countries.

Dr. Marc Balcells, director of the Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes, expressed excitement about the future of WEAVE: "This is just an early example of the discoveries that will be made possible in the coming years."

The study of Stephan’s Quintet underscores the transformative power of advanced technology and collaborative science. As astronomers continue to explore the universe, systems like this will remain key to unlocking the mysteries of galaxy formation and evolution.

Note: Materials provided above by The Brighter Side of News. Content may be edited for style and length.

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Joshua Shavit
Joshua ShavitScience and Good News Writer
Joshua Shavit is a bright and enthusiastic 18-year-old with a passion for sharing positive stories that uplift and inspire. With a flair for writing and a deep appreciation for the beauty of human kindness, Joshua has embarked on a journey to spotlight the good news that happens around the world daily. His youthful perspective and genuine interest in spreading positivity make him a promising writer and co-founder at The Brighter Side of News. He is currently working towards a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration at the University of California, Berkeley.