Researchers crack the genetic code of Restless Leg Syndrome – helping millions worldwide

Despite its prevalence—affecting up to 10% of older adults and severely impacting 2-3% who seek medical help—much about RLS remains elusive.

RLS manifests as a crawling or tingling feeling in the legs, often accompanied by an uncontrollable desire to move them.

RLS manifests as a crawling or tingling feeling in the legs, often accompanied by an uncontrollable desire to move them. (CREDIT: CC BY-SA 3.0)

Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) affects millions worldwide, particularly older adults. It's a condition characterized by uncomfortable sensations in the legs and an overwhelming urge to move them. Recent research has uncovered significant genetic clues that could not only help identify individuals at risk but also pave the way for more effective treatments.

RLS manifests as a crawling or tingling feeling in the legs, often accompanied by an uncontrollable desire to move them. For some, these symptoms are sporadic, while others face daily disruptions, especially during the evening or night. This can lead to severe sleep disturbances, impacting overall quality of life.

Simulation study assessing sex-specific heritability and genetic correlation divergence. (CREDIT: Nature Genetics)

Steven Bell, a researcher from the University of Cambridge, highlights the global impact of RLS, stating, “By understanding the genetic basis of restless leg syndrome, we hope to find better ways to manage and treat it, potentially improving the lives of many millions of people affected worldwide.”

Despite its prevalence—affecting up to 10% of older adults and severely impacting 2-3% who seek medical help—much about RLS remains elusive. It often coexists with other conditions like depression, anxiety, cardiovascular issues, hypertension, and diabetes, though the exact reasons are still unknown.

The Genetic Hunt for Answers

Previous studies had identified 22 genetic loci associated with RLS, but they fell short of providing definitive biomarkers for diagnosis. To dive deeper, an international team led by researchers from Helmholtz Munich Institute of Neurogenomics, the Technical University of Munich (TUM), and the University of Cambridge embarked on a comprehensive study.

This collaborative effort pooled data from three genome-wide association studies, comparing the DNA of over 100,000 RLS patients with 1.5 million healthy controls. The result was a groundbreaking dataset, leading to the publication of their findings in Nature Genetics.

Dr. Steven Bell emphasized the significance of their work: “This study is the largest of its kind into this common – but poorly understood – condition. By understanding the genetic basis of restless leg syndrome, we hope to find better ways to manage and treat it, potentially improving the lives of many millions of people affected worldwide.”

New Genetic Insights

The study uncovered more than 140 new genetic risk loci, dramatically increasing the total to 164. Intriguingly, three of these loci are located on the X chromosome. Despite RLS being twice as common in women as in men, the study found no significant genetic differences between genders. This suggests that other factors, such as hormonal interactions or environmental influences, might play a role in the observed gender disparity.

Genetic correlation between individual discovery stage GWAS of the N-GWAMA meta-analysis. (CREDIT: Nature Genetics)

Among the new findings were two genes, glutamate receptors 1 and 4, which are crucial for nerve and brain function. These could be targeted by existing medications like anticonvulsants (perampanel and lamotrigine), which have already shown promise in early trials for RLS treatment.

Predicting and Managing RLS

The researchers believe that by using basic demographic information—such as age and sex—alongside genetic markers, they can predict who is most likely to develop severe RLS with about 90% accuracy. This predictive capability is a significant step toward proactive management and personalized treatment strategies.

To further understand RLS’s broader health impacts, the team employed Mendelian randomization. This method leverages genetic information to establish cause-and-effect relationships, revealing that RLS can increase the risk of developing diabetes.

However, while low iron levels are thought to be a trigger for RLS due to their impact on dopamine—a neurotransmitter—the study did not find strong genetic links to iron metabolism. This finding suggests that the relationship might be more complex and warrants further investigation.

Professor Juliane Winkelmann from TUM, a senior author of the study, expressed optimism about these advancements. “For the first time, we have achieved the ability to predict restless leg syndrome risk. It has been a long journey, but now we are empowered to not only treat but even prevent the onset of this condition in our patients.”

Echoing her sentiments, Professor Emanuele Di Angelantonio from the University of Cambridge noted, "Given that low iron levels are thought to trigger restless leg syndrome, we were surprised to find no strong genetic links to iron metabolism in our study. It may be that the relationship is more complex than we initially thought, and further work is required."

A Collaborative Effort

This comprehensive study also included contributions from the INTERVAL study of England’s blood donors, in collaboration with NHS Blood and Transplant. Such collaborations are crucial in expanding our understanding of RLS and exploring potential treatment avenues.

As research progresses, the hope is that these genetic insights will lead to better diagnostic tools and more effective treatments for RLS. For those affected by this often debilitating condition, these advancements offer a beacon of hope for a future with improved management and quality of life.

This exploration of the genetic underpinnings of Restless Leg Syndrome not only sheds light on the condition itself but also opens doors to innovative treatments and preventive measures. With continued research and collaboration, the path to better understanding and managing RLS looks promising.

Note: Materials provided above by The Brighter Side of News. Content may be edited for style and length.

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Joseph Shavit
Joseph ShavitSpace, Technology and Medical News Writer
Joseph Shavit is the head science news writer with a passion for communicating complex scientific discoveries to a broad audience. With a strong background in both science, business, product management, media leadership and entrepreneurship, Joseph possesses the unique ability to bridge the gap between business and technology, making intricate scientific concepts accessible and engaging to readers of all backgrounds.