Breakthrough new drug substantially reduces weight and cholesterol levels

An astonishing 100 million Americans are affected by obesity and related cardiometabolic disorders according to researchers.

Scientists have achieved significant weight loss by introducing medication directly into the liver via a novel nanogel carrier.

Scientists have achieved significant weight loss by introducing medication directly into the liver via a novel nanogel carrier. (CREDIT: CC BY-SA 3.0)

Scientists have made a groundbreaking discovery in the fight against obesity by achieving significant weight loss in obese mice through a new method of delivering medication directly to the liver using an innovative nanogel carrier. This targeted approach effectively avoids the problems associated with systemic drug administration, significantly reducing potential side effects.

The importance of this technique becomes even clearer when considering the larger context. An astonishing 100 million Americans are affected by obesity and related cardiometabolic disorders, notes S. Thai Thayumanavan, a distinguished biomedical engineer and chemist at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. "We were really excited about this work," he says.

The brilliance of this method lies in the nanogel itself. These tiny carriers are packed with a synthetic thyroid hormone drug called a thyromimetic. While thyroid hormones are crucial for liver metabolism, they often prove ineffective and cause adverse side effects when taken systemically.

"We realized we needed to deliver this drug selectively to the liver because if it goes to other places, it could cause complications," Thayumanavan explains.

A scanning electron micrograph of a section through a vein in the liver, showing red blood cells surrounded by hepatocytes (green). (CREDIT: PNAS Nexus)

By manipulating the surface charge of these nanogels, Thayumanavan and his team achieved precise targeting to liver cells, or hepatocytes. This focused delivery, a pivotal step in their method, reduces the risk of unintended consequences elsewhere in the body.

"We came up with a very simple approach, using our unique invention – nanogels that we can direct selectively to different targets," Thayumanavan continues, underscoring the customized nature of their method. "They were custom-designed for hepatocyte delivery in the liver."

To fully comprehend the gravity of their findings, it's essential to understand the process. Obese mice, subjected to a 24-week regimen of high fat, sugar, and cholesterol diets, were administered a thyromimetic called axitirome, packaged into these anionic nanogels. The treatment, delivered through abdominal injections, spanned five weeks.

The outcomes were nothing short of remarkable. "The treated mice completely lost their gained weight, and we did not see any untoward side effects," reports Thayumanavan.

Yet, it wasn't just about shedding weight. The mice, who continued their rich diets, saw normalized cholesterol levels and a significant reduction in liver inflammation. "We found that we are activating the reverse cholesterol transport pathway, which lowers cholesterol," Thayumanavan elaborates.

He further theorizes, "We believe that activation of fat oxidation and an increase in metabolic rate are causing the loss in weight, but more work needs to be done to prove that point."

In vivo lipid-regulating effects of CGS-ANG in GAN diet-induced disease model. A) Schematic illustration of protocol for fully developed disease establishment in C57BL/6J mice and therapeutic study of CGS-ANG. (CREDIT: PNAS Nexus)

Delving into the mechanics, once these nanogels permeate the hepatocytes, the liver cell environment disintegrates the bonds within the nanogel, releasing axitirome. This drug subsequently latches onto proteins pivotal for gene expression regulation.

The apparent effectiveness of the ANG-delivered axitirome, which reversed weight gain without disrupting thyroid hormone levels, indicates a promising avenue for thyromimetics in addressing metabolic diseases like obesity.

An interesting observation emerged: mice on axitirome retained their appetite for high-calorie food. This is in stark contrast to human subjects using other weight loss drugs.

"There is a significant amount of development work to be conducted between mice and humans," Thayumanavan cautions, "but we are hoping it will eventually become a drug."

A graphic depicting how the drug targets the liver. (CREDIT: Creative Commons)

Driven by the promise of the nanogel technology his lab birthed, Thayumanavan has launched a startup, Cyta Therapeutics. Their primary mission? To spearhead cutting-edge delivery platforms ensuring drugs are dispatched to their intended bodily destinations.

The exciting potential of this discovery cannot be understated. It not only offers a beacon of hope for those grappling with obesity and associated disorders but also paves the way for further advancements in drug delivery, potentially revolutionizing the treatment of metabolic diseases.

Note: Materials provided above by the The Brighter Side of News. Content may be edited for style and length.

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Joseph Shavit
Joseph ShavitSpace, Technology and Medical News Writer
Joseph Shavit is the head science news writer with a passion for communicating complex scientific discoveries to a broad audience. With a strong background in both science, business, product management, media leadership and entrepreneurship, Joseph possesses the unique ability to bridge the gap between business and technology, making intricate scientific concepts accessible and engaging to readers of all backgrounds.